Paradise Reef - Great Barrier Reef

Monday, March 29, 2010

Magnetic Island Field Trip

My field trip heading to Maggie Island to observe coral reef ecosystems
at low tide and observe the abundance of marine organisms
Townsville Harbor

Maggie Island!

Research zone - Picnic Bay

Tube Worm
Hairy-legged Hermit Crab
Sponge Coral

Low tide!Spiny Oyster buried in the sand
Dolphin Snail

Playing with the little crab
Different Sponge Dolphin Snail with a huge FOOT!
Brown Algae
Knee deep in the algae...yuck!

Starfish with crazy snake-like legs
It is crazy to see how the organisms depend on each other for habitat survival


  1. you nerd ;-) jk jk this looks awesome!

  2. Great pictures ... too bad it wasn't a bright sunny day!!!

  3. OMG!!!! Only you would touch all those things!!!!!!!! Happy Happy 21st Bday!!!
